My First Game Jam Summer 2021 - Day 5 of Jam

Today was focused on getting a basic player attack, Hurtboxes and Hitboxes working, as well as getting a test enemy in the game.  For the Player we play to have our lovely protagonist, Calcium boi, use one of his own ribs to shank the Zombie prison guards. One of our artists is still working on the sprite for that, so in the mean time I mind as well get a system for it put in.  I made a basic Area labeled hurtbox and hitbox so i can reuse them across the project. After that I attached a Hitbox to my player so that while he is looking a certain direction(left or right) his hitbox is facing that direction. Finally, I made a attack state in the players code so that when the player hits either the Z key or the left click it transitions him into the attack state, plays his attack animation(I have left a little bit of space for that), and while the animation plays the Hitbox is enabled, and then when the attack finishes it disables the hitbox and puts the player back into the move state. This took a good portion of my dedicated time to work today, but after that i made a basic enemy after been given a good sprite sheet from one of our artists. I attached a collision box to him and a hurtbox so that(as shown in the gif below) the player must kill the zombie to get past. At the current moment the zombies death is not animated, and its not visual on how he takes damage, so that is something I should work on soon.  Today was a good day for me, Tomorrow, I want to work on giving the zombie a bit of a brain so that is can actually move and fight back, and perhaps create a system in which the player can be hurt.

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